Women Needed for Research Study on the Processing of Salty Foods
Step 1: Are you eligible? Take the Part 1 Eligibility Survey:

The Omentum Project aims to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors living without an omentum through awareness, education, and informal research.
The omentum is an organ in the abdominal cavity which is part of the immune system and the lymphatic system. It is standard protocol to remove the omentum in certain cancer staging surgeries such as ovarian cancer; survival rates are higher when the omentum is removed. There may be some long-term ramifications for women living without an omentum.
Study goal: To determine if there is a difference in symptoms after consuming a salty food for women with an omentum and women without an omentum.
Participation involves: A one-time, three-hour home experiment, eating a specific salty food and reporting on specific measures before and after eating the salty food.
Please note: there is no compensation for participation.
You may qualify if you:
· Are female, not pregnant, and between the ages of 18 and 74
· Have no kidney disease and/or no high blood pressure (hypertension)
· Have not experienced Stage 3 or Stage 4 cancer
· If you meet the above criteria, please take the online eligibility survey:
Questions: Contact Meg Wilkinson at:TheOmentumProject@gmail.com
The Project Promoter for this important study is the Nancy B. Clemente Cancer Fund

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Eligibility Requirements:
DIRECTIONS, Lower Sodium:
DIRECTIONS, High Sodium: